Advanced topics

In this section we talk about specialisation subjects. Here you can find a few more advanced topics but also one or two areas that simply don’t fit in anywhere else in the guide. Many of the subjects have already been discussed elsewhere on this website. In the advanced version of the subject we try to give you the complete picture without leaving anything out or making simplifications.

Here is a brief introduction to the available advanced topics in this section:

  • Ports, TCP and UDP in depth
    • This chapter extends the information on the transport protocols UDP and TCP somewhat by adding information on source ports.
  • Address translation, complete picture
    • Earlier we have talked about the subject of Address Translation, but a few details were left out. This section serves as a repetition and will give you more insight into how a router performs the address translation.
  • Traffic example, the full picture
    • Here you can find a complete example of what actually happens when a device wants to communicate over the network. Step by step we take you through the process with lots of clear pictures and explanations. The example merges information from most other sections of the Guide into one single complete overview of network communication.
  • Speed and Size, bits and Bytes
    • We talk a lot about bits, throughput and transfer speeds throughout the website. Here you can find an explanation on the subject.
  • Radio communication basics
    • We touched on the topic of radio communication in the Wi-Fi section. This specialisation is all about general radio theory on a basic level that you can benefit from when working with Wireless networks.

Previous part:
Building a better Wi-Fi network

Next part:
Ports, TCP and UDP in depth